The 2016/2017 Book Tag

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Thank you, dear Azia at The Uncharted World for tagging me to do this tag! I loved these questions, especially since they are not all about books! The creator of the tag is David at theguywhosaidalwaysno so thanks to you, too! 🙂

If you want to read Azia’s post, click HERE.

First, here are the rules:

  1. Mention the creator of the tag.
  2. Use the image that you find in this article.
  3. Mention the blogger who has chosen you.
  4. Answer the questions.
  5. Mention 9 bloggers/friends and let them know through a comment on their blog.

Now, let’s get to the questions:

1. Describe your 2016 in 3 words.

Bitter, sweet, unforgettable.

2. Write the name of two people that have characterized your 2016.

Two is really not that much… First of all, my boyfriend. And the other person would probably be my mentor. I worked with her for a year, exactly for the span of 2016, and she was a great mentor, I couldn’t have wished for a better one. Working in a school for the first time, with so many children, was an experience I will never forget.

3. Write the most beautiful place yoou have visited in 2016 and wwhy you liked it so much.

Oh, no… How can I choose between Dublin and Vienna?!



It’s impossible… So, maybe, I’ll choose the Cliffs of Moher, because just looking at them makes you appreciate nature even more than you did before. The beauty of nature is the greatest!


4. Write the most delicious food you’ve tasted.

2016 was the year I discovered homemade almond butter! I don’t know how I lived without it before. And it’s so easy to make! All you need are almods! Here’s a link if you’re interested.

5. Write the event that has marked you most in 2016 (even a global event).

Speaking of global events, that would definitely be the so-called refugee crisis. Some people really showed their worst, countries have closed borders, and it made me so sad. I’m from Croatia, so our country was on the so-called Balkan Route, and I think we initially handled it well, without closing the borders (though there were some shameful incidents). Now with the new, conservative government, I don’t know how our country is going to proceed with it.

6. Write the finest purchase you made in 2016, and if you want, link a photo.

I’ve bought several amazing books. But somehow, I’m most proud of some graphic novels I’ve read, since I don’t read them often. Especially Watchmen! I love love this one!


7. Write 3 good intentions for 2017.

I’d like to write more, keep up with my blog, and be happy. 😉

8. Write 1 place you want to visit in 2017.

Just one? I want to travel EVERYWHERE! If I had to choose one place, then probably Iceland.

9. Write 1 plate/food you want to eat in 2017.

Something wonderful that I haven’t eaten before. I’ll let it be a surprise for me! XD

And, in the end, I tag these wonderful people: abitbookishblog, The Looking Glass, Books ‘n’ Reviews Oh My, Quill’s Corner, The Night is Dark and Full of Books, Paradisbooks, Ann Reads Them, Caffeinated Bibliophile, The Book WenchBeth Jones and Closet Readers.

If you choose to do it, I’m looking forward to your posts! 🙂

8 thoughts on “The 2016/2017 Book Tag

  1. Thanks for the tag 😀 Great post! You visited Dublin ?? Nice, I live here and it’s weird hearing about it from a tourists pimping of view to me it’s just .. dublin and the people are just the dubs or whatever, ahaha. How long were you there?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem, happy to tag you! I was in Dublin for a week, and I loved it! 😊 But yes, it’s weird when you hear about your city from a tourist’s point of view. I’m from Split, Croatia, and tourists always say it’s pretty, and I’m confused. It’s just my silly little town. XD


  2. Watchmen is a wonderful read, it really layered on more than expected a graphic novel ever would when I read first read it. Its good to know you will be endeavouring to blog more as well, happy Ste.

    Liked by 1 person

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