Twittering Tales: The Mistake

Twittering Tales challenge is hosted by Kat Myrman. The goal is to write a twitter-length story, in 140 characters or less. You can see the challenge HERE.

Sadly, I missed last week’s challenge, though I really writing these stories… But I’m back for this week, and here’s my take:

The Mistake


She was supposed to be his Love, his Muse, his Art.
But she left. Objectification hurt.
Maybe ’twas the same mistake Petrarch made with Laura.

(140 characters)

Versatile Blogger Award


Thank you so much Dear Kitty for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award! It really made me happy. 🙂

Befora I start, I just want to say that I’m sorry for being so inactive lately… I really like this blog and the lackk of time for it bothers me, but I’ve been quite busy and now I’ve even gotten sick. Anyway, the blog is still alive, and I will try to find more time for it. 😉 Now let me get back to this lovely award nomination!

The rules for the award are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Share the award on your blog
  3. Share seven random facts about yourself
  4. Tag 10 bloggers with less than 1000 followers and let them know they have been nominated

It’s really hard to talk about yourself, isn’t it? XD Anyway, here are some random faccts about me:

  1. My favourite season is Autumn. So, yes, it’s my time of the year right now! 😉
  2. I really, really, really want a pet. Once I get my own place, I’ll definitely get one. Life without animals is just so boring… đŸ¶ đŸ±
  3. I’m currently writing two novels.  Sometimes I’m inspired for one, and sometimes for the other, it’s quite crazy… My brain refuses to be organised when it comes to writing, though I’m actually quite organised when it comes to other things.
  4. I’m currently working as an apprentice teacher of Croatian language. In Croatia, we have a one year apprenticeship, then an exam, and only after that we become “real” teachers.
  5. I’m a Slytherin. – On every quiz ever. I took the Pottermore quiz twice and both times I got the same. I thought I would be a Hufflepuff, honestly. But now I’m kind of proud of being a Slytherin. 😉
  6. I have a poster of John William Waterhouse’s “The Lady of Shalott” in my room. I love the painting and the poem.
  7. I love to travel, and I collect postcards. Some I bought myself, on my travels, and some I got from my friends or family. 

Well, I hope thore were at least slightly interesting… I’m not sure who accepts awards and who doesn’t so, of course don’t feel like you need to do the post. Anyway, the people I tag are: Nicole,  Misty,  sinisterdarksoul,  Miguel Olmedo Morell,  Miracle,  Julia,  llady literary,  Anita, Katha,  bookwormhay,  WovenEclipse

The Sunshine Blogger Award


So,, I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by the lovely Nicole at Sorry, I’m Booked. (See her post HERE.) Thank you, Nicole, I really like your questions, so I’ll start right away!

The Rules:

  • Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate some wonderful bloggers and write 11 questions for them to answer

Nicole’s Questions

1. If you had to pick one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
Confused. XD 

2. Do you like to travel? If so, what’s next on your list to visit?
Oh, I love to travel! If only I had the time and money to travel more! But I did visit quite a lot of interesting places so I won’t complain. I would definitely like to travel to Iceland. Or Amsterdam. 

3. Which do you prefer, hardback or paperback or digital books?
I prefer paperbacks. It surprises me that most people prefer hardbacks. I think paperback are more practical in every way, and I also think they are prettier.

4. What’s your favorite mythological creature?
Dragons! But, I love almost all of them. 

5. Regardless if it’s real or would be a financially stable job, what’s your dream job?
Writer. 🙂 I would also like to work in publishing.

6. What’s the last book you read that exceeded your expectations?
For most of the books I read recently, I had high expectations. But the one that I wans’t expecting to like was a Croatian book, a collection of short crime stories by Pavao Pavličić, which my students had to read, so I had to read it as well. I don’t really like crime stories, and I didn’t like the first one in the collection. But then, they got better and better, and in the end I really enjoyed the book.

7. Batman or Superman? Or neither?
Between the two, definitely Batman. I never cared much for Superman. But Spider-man is my all time favourite superhero, and I can’t wait to see the new one in Captain America: Civil War. By the way, I really didn’t like Batman v Superman. The only good thing about the film was the Wonder Woman theme. It’s really powerful! Here’s a link if you wish to hear it, and enjoy.

8. What Harry Potter character do you identify the most with?
Sometimes I like to identify with Hermione, other times it’s Luna. XD

9. DO you have a favorite sport you like to play and/or watch?
I’m not really an athletic person and my exercise is minimal. I like to watch football at times. (Soccer I mean, not the football you don’t play with your feet. European here! :P) But I don’t watch sports that often.

10. What’s your favorite color?
Black, though it’s not a colour. And the next in line is grey, also not a colour. I’m so colourless. XD

11. What’s your go-to question that you ask someone that you’re getting to know?
I’m terrible when it comes to meeting new people… I never know what to ask or say. 

My Questions:

1. What is your favourite non-fiction book?
2. Vampires, witches or fairies? Or something else?
3. What are some of your favourite bands or musicians?
4. Sunshine or moonlight?
5. Do you prefer first person or third person narrative?
6. Which is the last book, film or series that made you cry (or really sad). (Because I can’t get over something that happened in Black Sails XD)
7. What superpowers would you like to have?
8. Who are your favourite villains? (From books or tv.)
9. What is your idea of having a good time?
10. Share a quote you like.
11. Give me a book recommendation. 🙂

My Nominees: 

I nominate: Emma, Maremma Gee, Start Your Fiction, Paully, Claudia McGill,Metal and the Geek, Eric Schweitz, The Scrawlyst, dumbnerd

No obligations, of course. 🙂

One Lovely Blog Award


So, I was nominated by lovely Nicole.Ilene over at Sorry, I’m Booked. Her blog is great and you should check it out! And here is her post. Anyway, I decided not to do the award thing, but I did want to make this post. So I won’t be tagging anyone.

Here are the rules:

The Rules!
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. List rules and display award.
3. Give seven facts.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and notify them.
5. Display award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you!

And now I’m suppored to share seven fact about me. Hmmmm… This is kind of hard. XD Anyway, I decided to share some facts that have nothing to do with books, since I write about books all the time anyway.

1. I don’t like coffee.

At all. Yes, I know, shocking, but I really don’t like the taste or the smell so I never drink it. Tried it once, and that was it for me.

2. I love animals.

All animals. You don’t have to be fluffy to be cute… Snakes are actually among my favourites. I also don’t believe in the cat-person and dog-person distinction. I love them all! My dream is actually to have a cat and a dog but that’ll have to wait a little longer…

3. I love Disney films.

And no, not even the older ones. I’m not really a fan of Snow White, Cinderella etc. My favourites are Tangled, The Emperor’s New Groove (so funny!) and Mulan. And I liked Frozen. When I’m feeling down or want to relax I often watch one of those. 🙂

I also like some Dreamworks and other animated films. How to Train Your Dragon was amazing!

4. I’m a little bit obsessed with vampires.

From Disney to vampires, well that escalated quickly. Yes, I could say “I liked them before Twilight” but I won’t (except I just did). I like vampires my way. I don’t care for mindless monsters, I don’t find them interesting at all. But I also don’t like the washed-down, goody-two-shoes versions. I think they should be mean, but also have certain human qualities. Nothing is black-and-white.

5. I love The Sims.

I have these periods of Sims-obssession when I play the game all the time, then I stop for a period and don’t play at all. I think it has to do with my love of creating characters, I always have an entire backstory for all of them in my mind, and an idea where it may lead.

6. But my favourite game is Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.

See 4. XD It’s just such an interesting game and an intriguing world.

An honourable mention are Spyro the Dragon games which I played as a child but also later on. My entire familiy loved them, and my mother was actually the best at it. XD And the main character is a cute purple dragon, you just have to love him! And his firefly friend Sparx! Adorable.

7. I’m very, very introverted.

I love spending time alone. Of course, I need and appreciate my friends and family, but I don’t like being in large groups or being surrounded by people I don’t know. I’m also anxious when it comees to phone calls. If I have to call a doctor or order a pizza it’s almost a torture to me. But, I’m working on it. Getting better each day. XD

So, those were some little facts about myself. I hope I made myself look at least a little less boring than I actually am. XD