Six Sentence Story: A New World


There is no place for her in the new world – he knows it as he kisses her brow, and she smiles, still half-asleep.

He listens to the clock tick, counting the last minutes of the life as he knows it. As he watched the old world go down in flames, he knew that the next one had to be made differently, perfectly, and people should stick to doing simple things in order not to mess everything up again with their imperfect ideas.

And she, she is a painter, an artist. As much as he loves her, he knows that imagination can only cause problems.

Six Sentence Story: The Stories of Pain


We have all met Pain.
It comes to all of us, wearing different disguises.
Sometimes it is hidden in heartbreak, disappointment, abandonment, loneliness.
It can also come abruptly, underneath the mask of loss.
Or it can sneak inside our minds in form of fear; common fears and unusual phobias.
And sometimes, just sometimes, it is the pain of sharp teeth and claws of a monster tearing your body apart.

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