The Liebster Award


I’m been nominated for the Liebster Award by Shyla Fairfax-Owen from Beyond the Threshold. Thank you and I’m so sorry it took me this long to write this post. (See her post HERE) Honestly, I get quite nervous when I have to tag people, because I don’t want to leave out anyone I really want to tag and I also don’t want to bother the people who do not like this kind of thing. Anyway, I will tag some people this time. Also, I’d really like to say that  Beyond the Threshold is a blog with so many great stories and you should all check it out! So, let’s start!

The rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Display the Liebester Award on your blog.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer 11 questions your nominator has asked.
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers with less than 1000 followers.
  • Ask them 11 new questions or the same ones you were asked.
  • Let the bloggers you nominate know!
  • Copy the rules into your post.

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I don’t believe in the cat-person dog-person distinction. – I love both cats and dogs and I don’t see why one should exclude the other. Love all the animals! 🙂
  2. I collect postcards. – I love to travel, but I also like it when other people travel and bring me postcards. Travelling is amazing and it makes you a richer person, and postcards make me remember that.
  3. I have a poster of John William Waterhouse’s “The Lady of Shalott” in my room. – I bought it when I was in London and it’s one of my most prized possesions. I love the painting and I love the poem by  Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
  4. I own a sword. – It’s not sharpened, though. XD It was a gift from my parents. I’m a self-proclaimed pacifist, but am weirdly obsessed with swords. Maybe because of all the fantasy stuff…
  5. I love Disney films. – I feel like I’ve mentioned this before, but never mind. Sometimes I just listen to the songs, especially the villain ones.
  6. I love Emilie Autumn. – Have you ever listened to her? Well, most people I talked to don’t like her, but I think she’s amazing. Especially the “Opheliac” album. Wonderful.
  7. I love gothic-inspired outfits. – And my favourite colour is black. XD
  8. I love plushies. – I still have quite a few in my room. Childish? Yes, but I’m not sorry for it. 😉
  9. I loooove chocolate. – Who doesn’t, right?
  10. I’m a Slytherin. – On every quiz ever. I took the Pottermore quiz twice and both times I got the same. I thought I would be a Hufflepuff, honestly. But I’m kind of proud for being a Slytherin. 😉
  11. I really don’t know what else to say, so I’ll just mention that I’m currently reading Grief is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter and I think it’s really good and unique.

Q & A

  1. How did you come up with your blog concept? – Well, I just wanted to create a place to talk about books and post some of my stories, and it started from there.
  2. What inspires you to keep blogging? – The books I read. And when it comes to stories, anything can spark my imagination. Something happens, and the idea just comes. I can’t explain it any better.
  3. What are you currently reading (or most recently read)? – I’ve just finished Evelina by Fanny Bourney, it was more fun than I thought it would be. And I already said what I’m reading now.
  4. What’s the scariest book you’ve ever read? – I’ve read some scary books, but the most disturbing one for me was American Psycho. I loved it, and I though it was really well done, but it is quite disturbing.
  5. Are you a night owl or a morning bird? – I’m more of a night owl, since I hate getting up early, but I like late mornings.
  6. What in your life are you most proud of? – This is a really hard one… I don’t really know what to say. XD
  7. Who is your hero? – It may sound cheesy, but I’ll say my parents. They are great.
  8. Do you have a phobia? If so, what is it? – Not really, but I’m quite afraid of dark (I slept with lights on when I was a child) and public speech.
  9. If you were to write the story of you, what genre would it be and why? – I would personally like to be in a fantasy story, and meet dragons. Does that count?
  10. What is the best movie you’ve seen recently? – It wasn’t that recently, but I’ll say Birdman. I really liked that movie.
  11. What’s your biggest pet peeve? – When someone is just too irresponsible. In most cases, other people have to suffer for it.

My Nominees

So, here are the nominees:

Dara ReidyrMorgan MillsD. Wallace PeachEmmaRenKrystalFictionatrix and The Blonde Writer

Don’t feel like you have to do this, it’s fine if you don’t want to, but I wanted to nominate you so that you know you’re great. 🙂 And for the questions:

  1. If you could own a fictional/fairy tale/fantasy pet, what would it be? Why?
  2. Do you have any pets (real ones XD)?
  3. What are your favourite films?
  4. What’s the last book you’ve read and would you recomend it?
  5. If you could choose your theme song, which song would it be?
  6. People often ask about favourite characters, but I would like to know who your favourite villains are? (Either from books, films, tv…)
  7. What are some of your favourite names?
  8. What is your favourite time of the year?
  9. Coffee or tea?
  10. Moonlight or sunshine?
  11. Share a quote! (From anything you like.)



12 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Hi, Thankyou so much for the nomination. I am honoured. I have my final exams going on, so doing a full on post would take a lot of time. Instead however, I thought I’d answer your questions here itself. I am not good at the technical stuff so linking etc will take me ages. Hope you dont mind. *Puppy face!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. 1.I would want to own a dragon.
        I just love the idea of dragons, I want to fly upon one like the Khaleesi or the dragon riders. I would also want those fancy falcons. They look amazing.

        2. I have a dog, he is a mountain dog and his name is Bruno.

        3. I am a huge history buff, so historical movies are my weakness. Also unconventional artsy films. So I love the King’s speech, Lincoln, 12 years a slave, the Artist, Amelie etc.

        4. The last book I read was the Capital by Karl Marx. Although it was for my college studies, I do recommend it for anyone who is remotely interested in understanding Capitalism and how it functions.

        5. Demons by Imagine Dragons.

        6. I love the Godfather!
        Also Hitler for the way his shrude mind came up with systematic ways of exterminating the “others”, his speeches were enigmatic and drove millions to his cause.

        7. I really like the name Ira, which was my Grandma’s name. Also, Iris, Hope, Subah (which is morning in Urdu) and Inayat (God’s grace in Urdu)

        8. I love the monsoons. In India we have almost 4 months of monsoon, where it rains, there is petrichor in the winds and greenery all around. It is magical.

        9. Although, my blog professes my love for Coffee, I do love tea as well. I cannot choose between my two children!

        10. Moonlight. (although, isn’t moonlight technically sunshine, just reflected back! :p )

        ” Rahiman dhaga prem ka,
        Mat todo chatkaye.
        Na jaane kis bhes mei,
        Narayan mil jayein”

        This is a couplet by the poet Kabir.
        It translates as –
        one shouldnt break the thread of love, for it in unrepairable. Who knows in which form you may get to meet God. (Hence one should be kind towards all people)


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